Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

ACC 2 – The Effect of Plastic Surgery

Many people love plastic surgery, especially for women to get a beauty. But all forms and operating procedures always have some risks. Similarly, plastic surgery also has some risks. Therefore, plastic surgery should only be done by the qualified plastic surgeons.

Plastic surgery actually has advantages for us. First, it makes us look younger. There's even a mother whose age is 46 years old, but the people judged that she was 21 years old.

Second, plastic surgery can repair the eyelid, forming chin, nose and cheeks. It also can remove the tattoo, so our skin will looks clean again.

Third, it can increase our appearance. Thus indirectly could improve our self-esteem.

However, plastic surgery also gives many disadvantages. First, the appearance problems as a result of plastic surgery are not necessarily perfect. Plastic surgery needs an adjustment of the skin.

Second, Hematoma or bruising could occurs when there is bleeding under the skin. It happens when the incision doesn’t close correctly or the patient re-open the part of incision. So as to form a pool of blood, eventually causing hematoma. If the area is not drained, it can lead to infection.

Third, Operating costs are usually very expensive and cannot be passed on to health insurance. As for the liposuction procedure, one patient has to pay about Rp. 20.000.000, - or about Rp. 10.000.000, - facelift surgery.

Everybody is created by God with different look. So, instead of a lot of money to change the grace of God, we better appreciate what their look. The perfect physic is not the main one.

Please comment and correct if I'm mistakes.

20 komentar:

  1. interesting topics.. :)
    It teaches us to be grateful for God creation.

  2. is it means that you stand in negative side of ur topic? anyway I like this topic. that's good. :)

  3. I do agree with your text and the effects if we do plastic surgery. But, your text has mistakes in choosing words, hehe. However your text is cool

  4. Sure I know where its going to, but, just for the tips, dont put in something like cost, user were always know how much they have to pay, and sure they know about it, just put in the bad effect... :) after all, its good ber... :D

    1. hehe, OK. thank you for your tips :D
      I just want to explain that's very expensive ^_^ hihi

  5. woow,, good information.
    but, in other side of plastic surgery can be useful for people affected by the accident and disability. Depending on the needs of each person

    1. Thank you :)
      yes I know, but overall I think plastic surgery it's not good for our health :D
      *that's my opinion* ^_^

  6. It's a good topic..

    but Berly, I want to ask you, what do you mean with this sentences "Thus indirectly could improve our self-esteem."
    please explain... :D

    1. ahaha, thanks :D
      It mean that can increase our "Percaya diri" ^_^

  7. wokey,, so long,, heheh :D
    anyway, i like your article, because this is good information.. :D

  8. it's nice topic.. I can undestand about plastic surgery..

    1. thanks amin :D
      but I remind you to don't try it ;) hehe

  9. why..
    most of you,,make a discussion text with topic
    "Plastic Surgery"

    1. hehe, I don't know risang :D
      but I think that Plastic surgery have many controversy ^_^

  10. nice text...it is clear enough...you add some information (use number) also, it can be used as a fact in your posting, thank you
